Jazib Sawar
July 17, 2020

We have a few exciting updates to help you power content for your modern websites and apps using Cosmic.
1. Trigger webhooks via API
You can now trigger webhooks using the API by passing trigger_webhook=true in the request body. Find your webhooks in Bucket Settings > Webhooks. Be sure to check out the Webhooks documentation and API documentation to see with which API requests this is possible (Add, Edit, and Delete Objects and Media).
2. Edit Object via API using id
We have added the functionality to edit Objects via the API using id. Which gives you the ability to edit the Object slug (which was previously not possible). Be sure to check this out in our Edit Object API documentation.
3. Cosmic NPM module updates
Check out the latest release of Cosmic NPM module. The new version includes the following updates:
- Performance updates (up to 10x faster install!)
- Codebase improvements (Refactoring and modularization)
- Babel and webpack version bump
- Production packages/dependencies shrink down
This update will improve the overall developer experience as well as you'll able to deliver content to users much faster 🚀.
4. Cosmic Gatsby source plugin updates
We've updated the packages/dependencies in the Gatsby source plugin for Cosmic and fixed localMedia bugs related to Object & Objects metafields. Check out the latest version here.
We hope you enjoy these updates. If you have any questions, join our Slack community and reach out to us on Twitter.