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How to Search Your Content in Cosmic

Carson Gibbons's avatar

Carson Gibbons

January 02, 2018

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Cosmic makes managing content so fast and easy that you're likely to have a lot of it. When I'm writing a new blog, I like to reference my previous blog posts for items such as formatting, quotes, images and more. This becomes more difficult to sift through when you have 50, 100, 500 Objects set up in your Cosmic Bucket. Keep in mind an Object can be a page, a blog post, or anything you want it to be. 

Cosmic gives you the freedom to create and manage content openly and create your own data structure. In this blog I'll demonstrate a few helpful tips when searching and organizing your Bucket's content.    

Global Content Search Feature

Just look for the search icon in your Dashboard header.

You'll notice that the search query searches your entire content Object library and pulls items such as titles, content, authors and more, all based on your search query terms. 

Object Pagination

Instead of having to scroll indefinitely through a section of Objects, we've added Pagination to the bottom of each page to help you navigate and more effectively manage your content within your Bucket. 

Please feel free to reach out to me personally if you have any questions or comments.