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Scheduling Content for Publishing in Cosmic

Carson Gibbons's avatar

Carson Gibbons

January 15, 2018

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Teams collaborating to plan, manage and deploy content do it for a variety of reasons: seasonal sales, a new blog series, marketing materials accompanying a new product launch, and the list goes on. When teams are planning content campaigns, they can't be expected to deploy content real-time. 

Scheduled Posts makes a content editor's life a lot easier. Once your Cosmic Object, be it a Product, Blog Post or Landing Page, is drafted and previewed, you have the ability to schedule your Objects for automatic publishing at a later date and time.  You will notice next to the "Publish" button in your Content Editor there is a Calendar button.  Select your preferred publish date and time, then click Save Draft and your Object will be scheduled to publish automatically.

Scheduling Content for Publishing in Cosmic

You'll notice your Posts or Objects within the Object Type you scheduled for publishing will show their publishing date in your Objects Table:

Please feel free to reach out to me personally if you have any questions or comments.