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Cosmic dashboard now in public beta

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April 04, 2023

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We are happy to announce the public beta release of the new Cosmic dashboard. You can now sign up and begin using the new dashboard and API v3 for your production applications.

Click the link below to begin onboarding to the new dashboard. Read on to learn more about all of the new updates and features.

Dashboard updates

This release includes the following updates to the dashboard.

New markdown editor
We have completely redesigned our markdown Metafield editor. New features include:

  • A handy toolbar for easy access to text editing tools.
  • Integration with your Bucket media library for easy media access.
  • Full screen focus mode with split pane preview.

Object type organization
It's now easier than ever to organize your Object types into folders. With the ability to add / edit / remove Object types from folders from the Object type table and edit view, this should come as a welcome feature for customers who manage lots of Object types.

More updates

Along with the public beta release of the dashboard, we have a few more exciting announcements.

New Cosmic logo
We have updated our logo to better tell our story as both a technical and creative leader in the content management space. Go to the about page to download the latest brand assets.

New documentation
We have a beautiful new documentation site to accompany the new dashboard. Browse the new dashboard features and learn about the latest capabilities with the new Cosmic API v3.

Cosmic JavaScript SDK
We have a new Cosmic JavaScript SDK which comes with lots of updates and improvements including:

  • Limited TypeScript support.
  • Simpler config and Bucket methods.
  • Improved methods for objects.findOne, objects.updateOne, objectTypes methods and more.
  • Much lighter package size compared to the old NPM module (only 23kb unpacked!).

Install with:

npm i @cosmicjs/sdk

Go to the NPM website page for the Cosmic JavaScript SDK for more info and read the public beta release changelogto learn more details regarding these updates.

We're excited to onboard your team to the new dashboard and help you integrate your content using the new API resources. If you would like dedicated help with migration, please contact Cosmic support with subject "Dashboard migration help" and we will follow up with assistance. We can't wait to see what you build!