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Usage and Overage Policy Updates

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Tony Spiro

July 14, 2021

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New usage graphs in the dashboard 📊

We are thrilled to tell you that Cosmic is growing faster than ever. As we serve an ever-increasing amount of content to billions of users globally we will continue to scale and provide you with the best content management experience in the world. To that end, we are implementing a new usage and overage policy, specifically the usage of our global CDN.

Our global CDN includes several points of presence located around the world to serve API and media resources blazing-fast within milliseconds. Along with our generous usage limits of non-cached API requests and media storage, we have added additional usage verticals of our global CDN which include:

  1. Cached API requests - Number of read requests after initial request per month
  2. Media requests - Number of media requests per month
  3. API bandwidth - Amount of API bandwidth served per month
  4. Media bandwidth - Amount of media bandwidth served per month

Pricing page updates
Go to the pricing page to see the new overage policy and applicable costs for each usage plan. We have provided very generous limits on all plans and include a new table to inform you about the new overage costs.

New usage graphs
To track your Bucket usage, go to Bucket Settings > Usage to see new usage graphs.

Overage costs
If you are one of the few customers that will have overage costs, you will be charged at the start of the month for the full overage usage of the previous month. The first overage invoices will go out at the start of August for July 2021 usage.

To see any upcoming month-to-date overage invoices, go to Bucket / Group Plan Settings > Billing (or Account Settings > Billing Details if you added a plan since our Billing update).

To avoid overage charges, you can always upgrade to the next usage plan level at any time. Reach out to if you need a custom quote.

We are dedicated to providing you with the best content management experience in the world. And these updates are intended to help you track and scale your global content delivery as your business meets the demands of the growing digital economy.

If you have any questions about this policy update, you can reach out to me directly in the Cosmic Slack channel or by email.

Tony Spiro
Cosmic CEO